Meet Tiffany Haywood, The mom that does it all!

by: Jasmine Yates

Meet Tiffany Haywood, a military wife who not only balances the military lifestyle but also keeps a strong hold on being a mother as well. Tiffany Haywood who is the ‘Tee’ behind had to learn how to make “it” work anywhere she found herself, be it Hawaii, North Carolina or back to her hometown New York. Each time she made “it” work for her and her six children, people would inquire as to how she did “it”. So she created her website and brand has become an Award Winning Lifestyle Blog created as a place to share her love of all things Faith, Family, Fashion, Food, Fun, Tech & Travel. She has influenced both the Blogging and Vlogging communities as a Brand Ambassador and has the opportunity to promote and support the brands she loves the most with her unique style and influence. 

Tiffany has been acknowledged in magazines and blogs and was recently recognized as a Bunker Labs Roundtable: Military Spouse Founders. Tiffany has dedicated herself to sharing the knowledge she has learned through her blog journey. As a result she has also created a Blog & Brand Consulting company known as She gives easy to use tips and solutions to help others find their true success through their passions. WTP had the opportunity to get a little deeper and find out the secret on how she balances it all. 

Jasmine: How do you balance being a mother and a businesswoman?

Tiffany: What is this balance you speak of…(laughs). No, but seriously. Finding a balance as a mom comes down to learning how to prioritize and schedule your life as well as the lives of your Kiddies. When I worked from home I was able to allow my children’s schedule to take the lead on when I worked. Yet now that I have added an office job into the mix, creating a schedule that allows for family, my 8-5 job, as well as my businesses, isn’t always easy. Learning to adapt and adjust as needed has helped. I have calendars and reminders set to help keep me on track and I also use a booking system to make sure I don’t accidentally double book myself with my clients or my job. I keep everything in my digital calendar which helps me be everywhere I need to be when I need to be there.

Jasmine: What would you tell a military wife who is having difficulty finding her balance?

Tiffany: Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve got this! Being a military wife doesn’t take away from the woman, friend, mother, creative or any other part of who you are. It is simply one portion of your whole. The balance comes when you understand you don’t need to be everything to everyone. Balance is learning how to take portions and make them work together. Take each part of who you are as a person and find how they complement and support each other – in that you will find your balance.

Jasmine: When did you know that blogging was a passion of yours?

Tiffany: I knew my blog was evolving into more than a hobby when I realized my words had an impact. They made a difference in what people thought on issues, products, events – I realized I was establishing my influence and it’s value.

Jasmine: What would you tell someone who doesn’t quite know what their passion is?

Tiffany: If you don’t know what your passion is don’t worry. It will find you. The moment you begin to do something and it starts to be the only thing you can focus on. When it’s growth, expansion and success are your focus regardless of money or outside influence – that is your passion. Don’t force it or try to claim what others do. Be you and do what comes to you naturally. You’ll know when it is more than a hobby.

Jasmine: For someone who understands their passion, what are some tips you would give them to help them reach their goals?

Tiffany: Don’t be afraid to do something new. There are times when your passion isn’t one that has been mapped out by someone else. You may be the trailblazer – the first of your kind – and that’s okay. It’s more than okay! Use your passion to push you into your goals. My advice to my clients when they begin to feel they need to be like, work like or think like everyone else instead of finding their unique “thing” and make that work for them!

While Tiffany is continuing to grow her business she has made it known that whatever you decide to accomplish in your life, make sure it is something you are passionate about. To find balance while being a mother is like finding a needle in a haystack, it can be difficult, frustrating and feel impractical but it is possible. Don’t give up, continue to push yourself and remember that you’re not in it alone. 

“The experiences we’ve had as a family have taught me to appreciate the important things in life and making each moment a lasting memory.” – Tiffany Haywood