Shumon Talks Infidelity, Suicide & Confidence While Raising Kings

Our business ideas usually come from the things that we have dreamt since we were small, or a passion of ours that didn’t leave our side as we grew older. But for Shumon, it was her journey that sparked her success. Shumon is a wife, mother and entrepreneur who has dabbled in more things than one. She is a motivational speaker, vocalist and best-selling author who also works her 9-5 job in the corporate world in biopharmaceuticals. Life for Shumon hasn’t always been sweet, like many of us she encountered the hardships of life but didn’t allow the obstacles to destroy her, instead she embraced every scar that she endured. 

Through infidelity, loss of confidence and suicidal attempts, Shumon created a space for others to recognize that their own strength, brillance, confidence and the ability to be a great parent lies within themselves. It took Shumon a few years to recognize that she was worthy of the life that she is currently living but as her faith grew so did her dreams. With each experience she has developed more ways to connect to herself and to others as she speaks on the obstacles that made her who she is today. 

Today Shumon has presented us with her best-seller Raising Kings, which gives parents a new perspective and understanding of what raising boys is like. She also gave insight as to how she overcame so many of her hardships and the secret into how she continues to push. 

WTP: How do you balance being a mother, a businesswoman & keeping a 9-5 all in one?

Shumon: There is not a manual or a one size fits all. The word balance is subjective to the person. But for me, I still work a job as a professional in the corporate world, along with running my business as an entrepreneur. I’m also a wife, mom, and a Gigi to add to this mix of organized chaos. LOL! I enjoy all of it though. There is a time and a place for each part of your life that makes you happy and whole. I create time for each of these items so that I can give them each my undivided attention. I start and leave my corporate work on time and don’t allow it to spill over into the time that I have for my business and family. I wake up early and allow time for prayer, some form of exercise, and to spend time working on my business. This is when my home is the most quiet. After work, I give my time to my husband to hear about his day, for us to discuss the goals and plans we have for one another, and I allow the remainder of the evening to talk with my young Kings. I am a mom of 4 young adult young Kings all navigating life in their own way. So, the time I give them is different than it was when they were younger. 

WTP: What was the hardship that you experienced that made you into the woman you are?

Shumon: I experienced low self-esteem in my younger years, infidelity in my first marriage (I was young), and attempted suicide. All of these things have made me into the woman I am today. Growing up, I wasn’t confident in my name because it was different and I was teased about it. But I love it now because it is unique, it makes a statement, and it is my brand. I wasn’t confident in my dark skin what was covered with acne and acne scars, but those things made me respect my journey and I was able to find ways to take care of my body to reduce these breakouts that caused me so much ridicule.

The infidelity in my first marriage made me feel that after all I gave every day that I wasn’t enough, wasn’t good enough. But I know now that I was too good, that he was a product of his upbringing and we were unequally yoked. It wasn’t me, it was him. I am an amazing wife and mom. No one could ever take the trophy away from me. Due to the infidelity, I attempted suicide while my young Kings were very young. I didn’t love me enough at that time in my life to not allow my mind to take me to these places. I knew God and I loved God but the mind is a powerful tool. I was doing well in every area of my life but my marriage and I didn’t understand how someone could treat me the way that he did. I heard God speak to me that day and I’ve been different ever since.You see, we all go through something that changes our lives. I live my life in peace, out loud, bold, and confident because I know who I am, and who’s I am. I have people that love me and I love them in return. I enjoy every facet of my life right now but I had to follow the roadmap that God had for me and not the one I attempted to create on my own. 

WTP: How did you overcome your obstacles? 

Shumon: I took time to get to know myself again. I separated myself from all of the things and people that I “thought” I needed. It was a lonely time for a little while but I needed the stillness, the quiet to move forward in life. I prayed a lot, read scripture and allowed it to minister to me. Most importantly I set boundaries around me and my children so that we could be who God created us to be. I made a plan with goals and worked toward each of them. 

WTP: What would you say was your biggest achievement in your business?

Shumon: Wow! It is difficult to choose just 1. I would say just starting the business because it is not your typical business. But my solo book RAISING KINGS: A mom’s guide to raising boys to young men that I released in March 2023 was a very proud moment for me. I was able to share some of my challenges and learnings with other boy moms in this book. My young Kings are my co-authors and they wrote the last chapter from their perspective and I was excited to create this Amazon Best-Seller with my pride and joys. 

WTP: What advice would you give someone who is learning the ropes on trying to juggle both entrepreneurship and being a parent? 

Shumon: Make time for yourself because you can’t pour from an empty cup. So many times we try to do it all to set an example for our children. The best example you can give is when to stop and allow time for yourself and for them. Don’t burn yourself out trying to do it all. Teach them how to do some things for themselves so that you have more time and they are also learning 

some independence. There is no glory in being burnt out. 

WTP: How did you achieve being a confident woman? 

Shumon: It took some time for me to achieve that. It was being comfortable with myself physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It was knowing what I bring to any table and being able to represent that. It was not allowing others to disturb my peace and allowing my essence and presence to command any room I walk in. 

WTP: What else can we expect from you? 

Shumon: I have a journal that will accompany the RAISING KINGS book coming out soon this summer. I am excited for this to be released. This journal will have workshops that will be available to boy moms where there will be activities and resources to work through the chapters of the book. At some point I will finish my album but until then you can join me every December for Urban Christmas Carols in Charlotte, NC. It is a live band show where my brother and I sing our favorite Christmas Carols and old school R&B songs. It is a show you don’t want to miss. Visit my website to stay up to date on everything going on. Also follow me on all Social Media Platforms. 

Alongside her best seller, you can also find Shumon’s first R&B single titled “The Difference” on Apple music, Tidal, YouTube etc. Shumon experiences will give more people the ability to rely on their inner strength and remember that they too can accomplish whatever it is they want. You can connect with her below. 

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