Summer Is Coming! Are You Ready?

By: Sarah Jones

Ah, summer. The season where the sun shines bright, the ice cream trucks sing their merry tune, and kids are released into the wild… I mean, out of school. Yes, it’s that time of year again when parents all across the land collectively gulp at the realization that their little bundles of joy will soon be home, wreaking havoc upon their carefully organized lives. But fear not, dear parents, for I am here to guide you through the impending chaos with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of survival tips.


First and foremost, let’s talk about the return of the tiny terrors to the comfort of their homes. Picture this: the school gates swing open, and out pour the kids, bursting with energy and excitement, ready to turn your home into their personal playground. You can almost hear the collective groan of parents echoing across the neighborhood. But fear not, for with a little planning and a lot of patience, you can survive the summer with your sanity intact.

So, what’s the game plan, you ask? Well, for starters, embrace the chaos. Accept the fact that your house will resemble a hurricane disaster zone for the next few months. Toys will be strewn across the floor like landmines waiting to be stepped on, and the sound of laughter (or screams, depending on the situation) will be your constant companion. Embrace it, for resistance is futile.


Next up, it’s time to get creative with your activities. Sure, you could plop your kids down in front of the TV and call it a day, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, why not plan a backyard scavenger hunt or a DIY arts and crafts day? Not only will it keep the little ones entertained, but it might even unleash your inner Picasso. Just be prepared for the inevitable glitter explosion that will follow.

Now, let’s talk about the great outdoors. With summer comes the opportunity to soak up some vitamin D and enjoy nature’s playground. Whether it’s a trip to the beach, a hike in the mountains, or simply a stroll around the neighborhood, make sure to take advantage of the warmer weather and get your kids outside. Just don’t forget the sunscreen unless you want your little ones resembling ripe tomatoes by the end of the day.

Lastly, let’s address the elephant in the room: the dreaded phrase, “I’m bored.” Brace yourselves, parents, for you will hear this refrain more times than you can count during the summer months. But fear not, for you are armed with a secret weapon: the power of imagination. Encourage your kids to explore new hobbies, try out new games, and unleash their creativity. Who knows, you might just discover a hidden talent or two in the process.

So there you have it, dear parents. Summer may bring with it its fair share of challenges, but with a little humor, a lot of patience, and a whole heap of sunscreen, you can navigate the chaos with ease. Embrace the madness, soak up the sun, and remember, it’s only a few months until school starts again. You’ve got this!
